Visitor management
Visitor management
Ensure a Safe, Secure and Simple access for your Visitors

First impressions count!
Assured Privacy and Notifications

Visitor Record-keeping
In Pandemic times, it has been mandated to keep visitor records for contact tracing. Staying safe and securely storing the customer or visitor data is the major challenge. Koyyo offers a secure cloud visitor management system that can be used for contact tracing. You can go live in 2 minutes and generate/print QR codes for one or multiple sites. Customers can simply scan and fill in the required details. It also includes a free plan for retailers and restaurants with shop-front.
Other Features
Footfall Analytics
Koyyo offers a range of analytics to help you make business decisions. Footfall analytics helps you analyze the sites with maximum footfall.
Visitor Tracking
With Covid around, businesses need to keep a track of visitors' entry and exit. With no fuss, tracing the visitors is simple in Koyyo.
Go contactless with facial recognition and avoid all the possible points of contact to stay safe and healthy.
QR Visitor Management
A unique QR Code for each site allows businesses to track their visitors without requiring them to capture their facial information.
Get started with Koyyo today!
Enter the new age of AI-driven solutions which are customized to suit your needs and help you grow effortlessly.